System Admin - User role treasurer setting: Porovnání verzí

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(Založena nová stránka: cs: SystemAdmin - nastavení Uživatelská role Pokladník The Contributor should have access to all financial transactions, but without the right to delete his or oth...)
Řádek 1: Řádek 1:
[[cs: SystemAdmin - nastavení Uživatelská role Pokladník]]
[[cs: SystemAdmin - nastavení Uživatelská role Pokladník]]
[[ru: Системный администратор - установки пользовательской роли казначея]]
The Contributor should have access to all financial transactions, but without the right to delete his or others records.
The Contributor should have access to all financial transactions, but without the right to delete his or others records.

Aktuální verze z 10. 12. 2013, 11:34

The Contributor should have access to all financial transactions, but without the right to delete his or others records.

Administration - Access User Groups - Add new group

Name it Treasurer

Parents: "Full members


In the user Groups select a row Cashier and click on Edit and select the users who will be contributor, move an arrow to right and store.

Administration - Access Rights - Add new rule

Description, eg Contributor may see/ add/ modify all financial records


Edit all records

Edit own records

Add all records

Add your own records

See all records

See own records




96 Accounts_Controller accounts Accounts

135 Accounts_Controller bank_accounts Bank accounts

163 Accounts_Controller bank_statements Bank statements

134 Accounts_Controller bank_transfers Bank transfers

55 Accounts_Controller invoices Invoices

95 Accounts_Controller transfers Transfers

136 Accounts_Controller unidentified_transfers Unidentified transfers

106 Members_Controller currentcredit Current credit

107 Members_Controller en_fee vstupní příspěvek

108 Members_Controller en_fee_left Entrance fee left

130 Settings_Controller fees Fees
