Specifications: Porovnání verzí

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== FreenetIS 1.0 ==
== FreenetIS 1.0 ==
[http://freenetis.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/freenetis/freenetis/branches/qcodo/wwwroot/doc/FreeNetIS-specifikace_v_0-6.pdfПо умолчанию] спецификация, которая была использована для двух диссертаций и основывалась на других разработчиках. Данная спецификация, но в настоящее время действующая. Там было много изменений, например платежи в конечном итоге были решены и реализованы совершенно по-разному.
[http://freenetis.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/freenetis/freenetis/branches/qcodo/wwwroot/doc/FreeNetIS-specifikace_v_0-6.pdfThe initial specification], which was used to enter two dissertations and relied on by other developers. This specification but is currently valid. There have been many changes, for example payments were eventually resolved and implemented quite differently.
Диссертации, в результате реализации основных членов и платежей.
Thesis, resulting in the implementation of the basic members and payments.
* [http://zamestnanci.fai.utb.cz/~dulik/diplomky/2007-2008/Danek-MVC-Freenetis.pdf DP Petra Daňka]
* [http://zamestnanci.fai.utb.cz/~dulik/diplomky/2007-2008/Danek-MVC-Freenetis.pdf DP Petra Daňka]  
Диссертации, в результате реализации основного оборудования.
Thesis, resulting in the implementation of the basic equipment.
* [http://zamestnanci.fai.utb.cz/~dulik/diplomky/2007-2008/Rozehnal-MVC-freenetis.pdf DP Marka Rozehnala]
* [http://zamestnanci.fai.utb.cz/~dulik/diplomky/2007-2008/Rozehnal-MVC-freenetis.pdf DP Marka Rozehnala]
Документация для дальнейшего расширения и модификации системы была создана другими программистами, может быть найдена только на этой вики или непосредственно в исходном коде.
The documentation for further expansion and modification of the system were created by other programmers, can only be found on this wiki or directly in the source code.
Вводная презентация по реализации экономики:
Introductory presentation on the implementation of the economy is:
*[[Media:Hospodareni.odp|formát ODP]]
*[[Media:Hospodareni.odp|formát ODP]]
*[[Media:Hospodareni.pdf|formát PDF]]
*[[Media:Hospodareni.pdf|formát PDF]]
Девиз FreenetIS 2 "система без компромиссов" - то есть, мы хотим избежать  компромиссных решений которые мы сделали в FreenetIS 1 и сегодня мы дорого расплачиваемся за это все большим числом компромиссов.
Motto FreenetIS 2 is a "system without compromise" - that is, we want to avoid from the beginning of the compromise decision we made ​​in FreenetIS 1 and today we pay for it dearly need to make more and more compromises.
Весь FreenetIS должны быть созданы в Java EE.
The whole FreenetIS should be created in Java EE.
===Схема базы данных===
===Database Schema===
Примечание: Чтобы нарисовать ER диаграммы, есть несколько проектов с открытым кодом - их оценка на [[Editory ERD]].
Note: To draw ER diagrams, there are several open source projects - their assessment on the [[Editory ERD]].
*[[Adresář|Address book]]
*[[Adresář|Address book]]
Řádek 30: Řádek 30:
Одна из структур обеспечения Java API (например, Hibernate)
One of the frameworks providing Java Persistence API (such as Hibernate)
Выбор между JPS, JSF, RichFaces, ...
Choose between JPS, JSF, RichFaces, ...

Aktuální verze z 10. 12. 2013, 12:05

FreenetIS 1.0

initial specification, which was used to enter two dissertations and relied on by other developers. This specification but is currently valid. There have been many changes, for example payments were eventually resolved and implemented quite differently.

Thesis, resulting in the implementation of the basic members and payments.

Thesis, resulting in the implementation of the basic equipment.

The documentation for further expansion and modification of the system were created by other programmers, can only be found on this wiki or directly in the source code.

Introductory presentation on the implementation of the economy is:

Motto FreenetIS 2 is a "system without compromise" - that is, we want to avoid from the beginning of the compromise decision we made ​​in FreenetIS 1 and today we pay for it dearly need to make more and more compromises.

The whole FreenetIS should be created in Java EE.

Database Schema

Note: To draw ER diagrams, there are several open source projects - their assessment on the Editory ERD.


One of the frameworks providing Java Persistence API (such as Hibernate)


Choose between JPS, JSF, RichFaces, ...